Spencer MF Rodrick
Winner The Pearl Prize 2025
​Spencer M.F Rodrick is a genderqueer (and generally queer) autistic creator based in
Naarm who uses any pronouns. With a declining fluency in French, two cats, and a lot of
close friends in far places, most of their time is spent figuring out how to turn physics into
poetry and what kind of deep sea fish she’d most like to be (current highest contender is
the narrownose chimaera). They ‘self-published’ their first novel at 9 years old, proudly
presenting a 20-something page fantasy as a gift to their parents — and thus began the
accumulation of hundreds of unfilled notebooks, abandoned word documents, and
unfinished stories as they developed their style. After all this, they’ve found their love in
writing stories about being extremely normal in space but very weird on earth, and are in
the process of teaching themselves video game coding and
animation. Spencer was part of the Toolkits: Graphic Narratives class of 2023 organised by
Express Media.